

5 Common Spiders Found In California


Finding a spider in your home can be terrifying for some. Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) is one of the most common fears among people in the United States. Understanding what spiders frequent California, how to identify them, and what to do if you see one, is important to the safety of you and your family. Below we will detail these factors for the five most common spiders in California.

  • Tarantula

  • Sow-Bug Killer

  • Black Widow

  • Garden Spider

  • Wolf Spider


Tarantulas are the most well-known spiders on this list. They are known for being very large in size, and very hairy. Female tarantulas are larger, and live longer than their male counterparts.

Where do tarantulas live?

Tarantulas are commonly found in pool filters. Female tarantulas are known to live in burrows, and occasionally dig up gardens to do so.

Are tarantulas dangerous to humans?

Despite their intimidating appearance, most tarantulas are harmless to humans. Many people even keep them as pets! Tarantulas are typically mild-mannered and rarely bite people.

Sow-Bug Killer

Sow-Bug Killers, also known as Wood Louses, are more commonly found in Northern California. These spiders are distinguished by their distinct coloration. They have a red thorax and a tan abdomen. Female Sow-Bug Killers are almost twice as large as males.

Why do sow-bug killers bite?

The sow-bug killer, while an active hunter, is disinterested in humans, making bites uncommon. Should a bite occur, it’s usually a defensive bite. Sow-Bug Killer venom is not toxic to people, however, some people may be sensitive to its effects. These effects are typically itching and pain at the site of the bite.

Black Widow

Like tarantulas, Black Widows are widely known for their appearance. Fully mature, female Black Widows are known for their large black bodies, and either a red, yellow, or orange “hourglass” shape on their abdomen.

Are Black Widows Dangerous to Humans?

Black Widows are the only spider on this list whose venom is harmful. Their venom is 15 times more toxic than that of a rattlesnake. Black Widow bites are known to cause many symptoms, such as nausea and muscle aches. Despite their level of toxicity, a black widow bite is rarely fatal.

Garden Spider

Garden Spiders get their name due to the fact that they are typically found in gardens, fields, farms, forests, and orchards. Like most spiders, the females are much larger than the males. Fully-grown female Garden Spiders are known for their bright yellow bodies and elaborate webs.

Do Garden Spiders Bite Humans?

Typically, garden spiders are not aggressive and aren't known to bite humans. However, garden spiders will bite if they are disturbed.

Wolf Spiders

Wolf Spiders are known as the largest species of spider in North America. Fully-grown females are very large, and carry either their egg sacs on their spinnerets, or babies on their backs. Yikes! Wolf Spiders do not make webs.

Do Wolf Spiders Attack Humans?

In general, wolf spiders aren't aggressive, and will only bite if threatened. If you get bitten by a wolf spider, wash the wound area right away, and use a cold compress to reduce swelling and inflammation.

What To Do If You See Spiders In Your Home

Seeing a spider in your home can be extremely unnerving. If you sense that there are many spiders present in your home, contacting a pest control company is key. While the majority of spiders aren’t harmful to humans, when weighed against the safety of your family, it’s better to be safe than sorry. A pest control expert will know the best way to remove any spider from your home, and prevent them from returning. At Round the Clock Pest Control, we have the training and methods needed to give you a spider-free home. Call today to learn more!

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